
We are committed the highest standards of service, and continuous improvement, which is reflected by our accreditations and by the membership bodies to which we belong.

Each care home or hospital is certified with ISO 9001, demonstrating strength in Quality Management Systems.  In addition, Highbury hospital is certified to ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.

A copy of each certificate can be accessed via the links available below on a mobile device, or on the right sidebar on a desktop computer.

sc_ukas_9001 sc_ukas_14001

Care Facilities

The Meadows, Stockport

The Meadows was opened in 1999. Walker Healthcare was part of the team which redeveloped t...

Ellen’s Glen House, Edinburgh

Ellen’s Glen is a community hospital specialising in providing long term mental health a...

Highbury Hospital, Nottingham

About Highbury Hospital We redeveloped the hospital in 2004, which involved the demolitio...